Monday, January 27, 2014

Witch and Wizard 1/27-1/31

Pages: 0-307 (end)
Prompt: Test Readiness; summarize what has happened in the book so far

                           Introduction to Witch and Wizard 
          This week I recently finished reading the first book in the series Witch and Wizard. Th first book has the same name as the entire series. It has to do with brother and sister Whit and Wisty. One cold dark night soldiers are marching outside their doors and suddenly they bust open the door. These weird looking soldiers attack the parents while the other guards take captive Whit and Wisty. They put in a creepier van and they inform the siblings that they have been convicted with crime by the New Order. The soldiers take the siblings to what seems like a mental hospital and there they meet the evil nurse Matron. After the brief meet and greet they are taken to court with a the One Who Judges. The evil judge tells them that they will be executed once they both turn 18. Luckily the two siblings escape with the help from Whit's dead girlfriend Celia.

                        The Action Event of Witch and Wizard 
          In the book so far Whit and Wisty are taken to an abandoned store called Garfunkel's where it is full of abandoned kids. These kids are rebels that are trying to stop the leader of the New Order which is the One Who is the One. The rebels are lead by a teenager named Sasha and the kid president of the week is a girl named Janine. Sasha needs the help of Whit and Wisty in order to save the kids that are trapped in the Overworld Prison. Whit and Wisty deny helping Sasha because they have to find there parents. Sasha mentions that the sibling's parents are also trapped in OverWorld Prison so the siblings decide to help. The book so far mentions that Wisty can turn into a human torch and she has the power of telekinesis. The siblings carry out this plan with the help of a fierce warrior called Marco, a boy named Emmett, and the friendly dog Feffer. In order sneak into the prison Whit dresses up as a guard and Wisty turns herself into a mouse.

                    Part II of the Action Event

    The mouse Wisty successfully enters the building without getting hurt, but she accidentally ended up in the garbage dump. Whit is able to rescue some kids so they decide to drive the minivan to the portal in the underground subway. Whit and the gang end up in the middle of a train track until they realize that a train is actually coming. The mouse Wisty realizes that she is surrounded by rats who look very hungry. When the rats are about to eat her she suddenly turns into her human form again but she is captured. The engine of the van doesn't turn on but luckily Whit uses his wizard powers to get the gang to safety. Wisty uses her fire powers to fight against the guards and all of the kids escape from the prison. Whit and Wisty reunite but they realize that their parent where never in the prison in the first place. The book ends with a big sentence saying "to be continued".

In the book Whit and Wisty are able to survive the evil clutches of the New Order. They are able to survive one week without food and they get food when the rebels have a celebration party. In this book the term "survival" has to do more with fighting very evil guys and trying to ruin the reign of the One Who is the One. They turn the evil judge into a cockroach and they scare away the Matron with the combine of power of Whit and Wisty.

  This week I will comment on Jenna, Jesus, and Maria's Blogs.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Small as an Elephant 1/20-1/24

Pages: 0-275 (end)
Prompt: Miscellaneous Explain how you have been surprised by what you are reading

                             Spoiler Alert if You're in Battle of the Books

                       Introduction to Small as an Elephant 
     I recently finished a book about a boy who survived a week alone in the outside world. When I first read the title of this book I thought it was going to be boring. After I read the first few chapters this book got more interesting and now it's my favorite book of all time. I recommend this book to everyone and I would give this book 5 stars. Jack Martel is on a camping trip with his mother on a island in Maine. They thought it was a great way to spend more time with each other and avoid the busy streets of Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. In the morning Jack wakes up to realize that his mother is gone and even all her stuff is gone. Jack doesn't panic because he has had situations in which his mom leaves with no explanation. He starts to realize that $16.50 isn't going to feed him for a one day and he makes a smart choice to save up his money. A dark thought appears in Jack's head, when his mother comes back will he be able to forgive her?

                         The Surprising Events of Small as an Elephant 

     The first event that was very surprising to me was that Jack was able to survive on food for 4 days with only $16.50. The only thing he ate in 4 days were salami and cheese crackers. Another thing that surprised me about Jack Martel was that he used his surroundings as a way to get back to his mother. While in camp he made friends with a boy called Aiden and his family gave him the bus address in order to get back to Massachusetts.  Jack takes the bus but realizes that the bus only takes him to the main city in Maine. The only thing that he had left was his backpack, a sleeping bag, and a small elephant. I was shocked when Jack went to a bar and actually talked to strangers that he had never met. In the bar Jack met a man named Big Jack and this Big Jack told him that his mother was in this bar a few days ago. Big Jack mentioned that Jack's mother was there with a man and they were talking about going to the Bahamas.

                         Survival of Jack Martel/the Most Shocking Event

    Another thing that surprised me the most was that Jack and all of the people he me throughout his journey acted kind of like a herd of animals. After that event in the bar Jack decided that he needed company. Jack goes to a tourist store that sells stuff animals, keychains, and postcards. He spots a small elephant toy that is actually smiling at him, so he asks the store clerk how much the toy cost. She says the toy costs $2.50 but Jack only has 50 cents. He steals the toy and that was the wrong decisions that he could've made. Jack runs as fast as he can and he spots a farm with a vegetable garden north of where he is. The old lady from the farm gives him a big bag of vegetables for the road. Jack's grandmother reported Jack missing, so the whole state of Maine is trying to find him. The most shocking event was that Jack's mom was in the hospital for an unknown reason and the book ends with Jack reconciling with his grandmother.

 In this book elephants play a big part. Throughout his life Jack was fascinated with elephants because they're known as the smartest animals. The author also seems to like elephants because in every chapter there is a elephant quote from famous people. The only company that Jack has throughout his journey is a small plastic elephant toy.


   This week I will comment on Athziry, Carlos, and Sarai's Blogs. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Embraced by the Light 1/13-1/17

Pages: 0-147 (end)
Prompt Test Readiness: Discuss what you think what moral, or life-lesson can be found in what you are reading

                         Introduction to Embraced by the Light 
     I recently finished reading an inspiring book called Embraced by the Light. I would give this book five stars because it clearly tells the reader the purpose why we are on Earth. This book might seem fake but all of the events that happened in the book actually happened in real life. The book has to do with the near-death experience of the author Betty J. Eadie. The first few chapters have to do with Betty's biography and her childhood. Betty explains that she lives with her husband and six children. Betty's parents divorced when she was only 5 years old and her parents sent her to a boarding school with nuns. She was alone for most of her childhood and the nuns were extremely cruel to little Betty J. The nuns told Betty that God would give her the ultimate punishment if she didn't worship him enough. Throughout her life she feared God until the incident of 1973. Betty realized that God was the alternative version of what the nuns taught her.

                                   Life Lesson of Embraced by the Light 

    In my opinion I think that the main lesson in this book is to care for others and not judging people by their appearances. Betty was to have a surgery but the doctors said that the surgery might be deadly. A few hours pasted and Betty realized that she was floating in the air. She saw her body lifeless in the bed and after some minutes she realized that her spirit had gotten out of her body. After minutes had passed three monks appeared by Betty's side. The monks explained that they were Betty's guardian angels and they were to guide to heaven. The first life lesson is that we should never ever criticize other churches or religions. The author also mentions that every time a person raises his understanding about God, later that person would want to learn more about religion. Every time this happens that person has reached another level of knowledge and a better opportunity to grow. When these new opportunities open up they will get a better life.

                     Life Lesson Continued.....

    In the last chapters of the book I realized that the last life lesson is to not judge a person by his/her's appearance. Betty goes throughout dark tunnel and she sees a bright light even brighter than the sun at the end of the tunnel. She realizes that the light is Jesus Christ ready to receive her in heaven. Betty explains that heaven is a wonderful place and everything was alive even the flowers were singing. Every time a person prays on Earth a shooting star appears in heaven, but the sometimes the stars are small or big depending on the prayer. Betty had a clear view of Earth and she realized that a drunken man was sleeping in the street alone and tired. Betty didn't care much about him until her guardian angel told her that she must not judge this man's appearance. The angel told Betty that in the outside the man might be rude and disgusting, but in the inside his spirit is noble and generous. Betty also taught us that God loves everyone no matter what the circumstance is.

     I put a picture of two people being happy because that was part of the life lesson. Betty told the reader that we must have happiness at all times. She also taught us that we should care for one another every time and that by doing this we receive a better life.
             This week I will comment on Marisa, Gabe, and Leanna's Blogs.      

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Survival in the Deadly Pacific

                        My Survival in the Deadly Pacific
        "Actually, it was not so much the speed that was impressive as the pure animal confidence, the total absorption in the moment. Such a mix of ease and concentration, such a being-in-the-present, would be the envy of the highest yogis" - Pi Patel 
  It was a clear sunny day and mother was fetching our morning breakfast. In my opinion, I think every childhood is hard especially when everyone thinks you're a danger to our society. I have no name, no dignity, and no personality. My mother is the most important person in the world to me especially because she hunts down my dinner. The cave where I live isn’t that shallow and when my mom is not home the bats are my company. The future holds many surprises and in my life I never knew I wasn’t going to have a fearful battle with the ocean. I don’t know what the big deal is if I’m endangered, I’m going to die in 10 years anyway. 

             When I first read the book I thought that Richard Parker was a person or a lion. Richard Parker is a friendly and dangerous Bengal tiger. He resided in the Pondicherry Zoo in the country India. The Patel family take very good care of him by bringing him aboard the Tsimtsum. After the ship sinked he was stuck in a life boat for 227 days with the zookeeper's son Pi Patel. The goal that Richard Parker reached was that he was able to win the battle against the deadly Pacific. Richard Parker's friends were Pi Patel and Orange Juice the Orangutan. 


    It’s fascinating how my pattern skin is so attracting to other species and mammals. I would have never imagined that I was going to obtain a name that is irrelevant. I wonder if any other animals are feeling the pain I’m feeling. I would simply roar a hi but humans would run away because of the terror of my species. I’ve had a respect for humans all my life but other animals in the animal kingdom don’t think the same. My mom is always babbling about humans causing world domination. I might cause terror but my heart is in the right place. 

  My hunting skills were so impressive that I even surprised myself. One day I want to be as fierce as the panther hunter. The panther hunter is the fastest and most dangerous hunter in my jungle. The panther has attacked three humans and a deadly human hunter is tracking him down every step. It was an a typical sunny day when the violence struck the atmosphere. The human hunter was coming directly toward us but my brave mother wouldn’t leave without a fight. The hunter put my mother to sleep and we never knew what became of her. Since then I would vow to treat humans as animals. The hunter gave me a name which was Thirsty because of all the water I drank in the river. Richard Parker, the hunter, was a noble man so he donated me to the Pondicherry Zoo in India. This zoo was run by the Patel family and they were in need of an animal of my species.  Now that I look back I’ve grown a lot of knowledge ever since the incident. The zoo was nothing like the jungle but there was something recherché that kept me in the zoo. It wasn’t the food that kept me there it was the loyal little zookeeper. 

  It’s been four awkward years in the zoo. I’ve become a great hunter ever since I resided in the Pondicherry Zoo. The thing I hate the most about the other animals is that they think my territory is their territory. When I attack another animals it’s not because of hunger it’s that they invade my territory. I woke up normally today, but I sensed that a crowd of humans were getting closer to the entrance gate of cage. There was a lot of confusion and anger between the family of zookeepers. When I turned around I saw a goat in my territory and in a brief second I attacked the living daylights out of that animal. After I attacked the goat I overheard the zookeeper was planning to move the zoo to Canada. I’ve never heard of something called Canada. I hope they don’t separate me from my friend Orange Juice the female orangutan. The Japanese crew people locked me inside a cage on board the Tsimtsum. I might be a fear to everyone but my worst enemy is the ocean. It was a long and stressful night. The other animals were enjoying themselves while I was filled fear and pain. Who ever knew that it was the final destination for these animals.

       Who else has lived with a Bengal Tiger?

   In the world there a bunch of animals that have been loyal to their owners and masters. There is one animal that even saved a president's life. Read about George Washington's horse Nelson

  My loyal zookeeper started calling me Richard Parker instead of Thirsty. I wasn’t going to argue, so for now on my official name is Richard Parker.  It was a dark and stormy night. When suddenly I heard a loud explosion erupting in the lower deck. I escaped from my cage and ran as fast as I could. The ship was sinking and even though I hated doing this, I jumped into the ocean. The ship no longer existed and I didn’t know how I was going to survive the deadly pacific. I saw a floating lifeboat in the ocean and I decided to hide under the tarpaulin. I realized that only one human survived and it was Pi Patel. If it weren’t for Pi Patel I would have never survived the battle for food and shelter. I respected this human because he respected my territory. I survived by eating fish and drinking the fresh water that Pi Patel made. In my perspective, Pi Patel was kind of like my slave. After almost 200 days have passed since the sinking of the Tsimtsum. Another human came on aboard our lifeboat. He tried to kill my friend/slave Pi Patel. I devoured him like a delicious bowl of strawberry ice cream. I couldn’t afford to lose my provider of food and water after 226 days at sea. The next day we landed in a marvelous and adventurous place called Mexico. I was saved at last after 227 days of war. It was a sandy place and a bunch of hotels were near the ocean. I wanted to thank Pi Patel I just didn’t know how I was going to thank him. Instead of wasting anymore of my time I decided to leave that human. I never turned around because I was eager to relive my life in the jungle. I’m happy to say that I finally made peace with humans and the ocean. 
           If you're interested in learning more about Richard Parker and Pi Patel check out the movie trailer
       I put a picture of Tomatlan Mexico because that is where Richard Parker arrived after 227 days at sea. Richard Parker was stuck in a lifeboat with Pi Patel when the Tsimtsum sank. This is the sandy shore that Richard Parker arrived to relive his life in the jungle. Richard Parker described Mexico as a marvelous and adventurous place.  

 The Origin of Richard Parker's Name   
Ziggy the Elephant: I mention that I enjoy greeting humans by roaring a hi. My main hobby is to make humans happy. The good thing is that I found another animal that had the same problem as me.
  Tiger vs. Deer  :  I enjoy hunting other animals when they attack my territory. I don't like eating other animals, I just get mad that animals reside in my territory.
 Although this sounds weird I like to help other species. In the past year I've tried very hard to help my own species. Bengal Tiger Threat
Richard Parker and Edgar Poe?
Themes of Life of Pi