Monday, March 31, 2014

Frankenstein 3/31-4/4

Pages: 130 out of 231
Prompt Miscellaneous: How did the reading make you feel?

              Introduction to Frankenstein 

    This week I started to read the class horror book Frankenstein and now that I'm reading it it seems that people in the 1800's were terrified of traveling by boat. The book starts off with a man named Captain Robert Walton sailing in a boat writing letters to his sister Margaret. He meets a man named Victor Frankenstein and Victor decides to tell him all about his terrifying tale. It starts off with a family of six a wealthy to be more specific having a splendid time in Geneva, Switzerland. The young Victor grows up to be a great scientist of philosophy. In his later years in college Victor decides to make life with his own scientific knowledge. He makes a monster that is murderous and suddenly goes on the loose to attacks Victor's family. The monster Frankenstein kills Victor's brother William and maid Justine. Victor feels responsible for the death of his brother so he escapes to the glacier area where the monster Frankenstein is waiting for him.

          The Reading that Improves Your Vocabulary

   At first I thought this book was going to be really boring but after a few pages the book started to get more interesting and descriptive. When reading this book it makes me feel smarter mostly because this book includes a lot of new vocabulary used from the 1800's. Since this is a horror book part of the reading made me feel scared because of the murders caused by the monster Frankenstein. In this part of the book they describe with full detail how the decaying corpse looks and the consequences of committing a crime in Switzerland. I also felt very disappointed because Victor never told the truth about the real murderer. The whole city thought that the maid Justine killed William so they took her to jail and they gave her a few days to confess. She was found guilty and condemned to death due to the very bloody murder. They beheaded her and soon after that Victor's cousin Elizabeth was dramatized.

      The Feeling of Happiness in Frankenstein 

  While I'm reading this book not all parts of Frankenstein are full despair but they're also filled of happiness and gratefulness. For example I just recently read about the confrontation between Victor and the monster. When I read this part I felt grateful because this monster is merely seed in this giant world while we humans are like elephants roaming this world. The monster has no feelings and all it wishes is to have the god-like abilities that we humans have. After this confrontation the monster escapes to a cottage where he sees the love of a family affected by poverty. He learns the communication of humans and how one little thing can make a family as happy as ever. This family doesn't have enough food but suddenly the whole family is taken to jail. The monster thinks that the family will become into horrible savages but the family is actually happy because they have one another. After this I felt very happy to have my known family with me.

I put a picture of Geneva, Switzerland the place where the Frankenstein family resides. Victor hasn't visited Geneva in six years but after the death of William he makes a trip to stop the horrid monster. This castle seems to be port of where traveling ships arrive, Victor takes a ship that almost leads to his own death. I picked this picture of Geneva because it shows the beautiful landscape of Geneva and part of the location where Victor created his monster.

This week I will comment on Emily, Nadrian, and Steven's Blogs.


  1. I like your blog! You gave good details to support your opinion for your blog. I also liked you picture at the end, it gave me an idea about the blog. Good Job!

  2. Is this book spooky to you? Is it challenging? I know that with a lot of classic literature, the vocabulary is what can cause a book to be too difficult to read and possibly boring. You made it seem like a great book, great job.
