Monday, April 14, 2014

I Am Malala 4/14-4/18

Pages: 310 out of 310 (finished)
Prompt Miscellaneous: Describe a character that you would like to meet ( 4 questions)

                   Introduction to I Am Malala

    This week I started and finished reading the biography by the famous girl named Malala. The book starts off with Malala explaining her assassination attempt and the pain that she felt of letting her country down. The first few chapters contribute to the life and difficult situation of her parents mostly her dad Ziauddin. Her father's goal was to construct a school in which everyone should be able to go especially girls because of their inability to do anything in Pakistan. Ziauddin lived a poor life filled with hunger and terrible conditions at home. His house was falling apart but luckily he started a family in which he would never let them down. The book gives us a brief explanation about the life of Malala's mother which includes her lack of knowledge due to not being able to get an education. The chapters talk about the Taliban taking control of Malala's hometown Swat which includes her family leaving Swat surrounding the dangers of Ziauddin or Malala being killed.

                  The Perfect Character and Person of the World: Malala

    I would personally like to meet the "character" a.k.a person Malala in order to discuss with her my personal opinion about the peace on Earth. This "character" is very interesting because of her bravery and courage to fight against the Taliban. The Taliban were bombing schools and killing hundreds of girls because of them going to school. Malala spoke out to the media about her plan to make everyone in the world go to school no matter their race, sex, or background information. She even refused security guards to accompany her because he preferred to walk alone in a journey of success. This part of the book was very inspiring because of how much courage a girl of fifteen years old can have. The security part told us a little bit about her beliefs and religion. She mentioned in the book that she refuses to have security because as long as she has faith in god she will be alright.

                      The Questions that might make Malala happy.

   Another thing I wanted to mention is that Malala could change the world with only a few words something that politicians can never know how to do. When she speaks off making sure of something to her people she delivers it like a package. For example when she promised that everyone will be able to go to school that actually happened but until 2015. This is very inspiring and interesting that a little girl can keep her promises unlike politicians that promise nothing. If I ever got the chance to meet Malala I would help with her campaign. It would be simple she would help people in Africa, Asia and Europe while I try to help North America, South America, and Australia. The questions that I would ask Malala are:

1. How does it feel to be the youngest nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize?

2. Did you get excited to find out that you were the Runner-Up for Person of the Year?

3. How many prize or awards have you gained over the past year since your assassination attempt?

4. Have you ever visited Mexico? Did you find that Mexico will be giving you prize this year?

This picture shows Birmingham England the current resident of Malala. In the book they mention that Malala was flown into Birmingham in order to save her life after the shooting. The doctors in Pakistan didn't have the right materials to make Malala like new so a British doctor took the responsibility as a guardian of Malala. The city described as a wonder land but you can never get rid off the beauty of your hometown. This was also the place where Malala discovered Nutella sandwiches.

    This week I will comment on Carlos, Gustavo , and Nikolas's Blogs.



  1. I like how you seem to be really into your blog. Tat you're doing more than what you're told to.

  2. Wow. Nice blog. I really want to read this book. I like how you you picked good, thought wrenching, creative questions. Nice job. :)
