Monday, May 12, 2014

Divergent 5/12-5/16

Pages: 487 out 487 (finished)       *Spoiler Alert*
Prompt Miscellaneous: Describe the major conflict which side are you on?

                Introduction to Divergent

      During the school year I never thought I would read this book mostly because utopian society in a book is not my type of book. I just decided to read it for fun and I would say that I would give this book a 5 out 5 stars. The book starts off with a family in a futuristic Chicago where everything is perfect because it is ruled by 5 factions. A faction in this book is a group of people that have the same purpose but have major differences with other factions. The book is told in the perspective of Beatrice an Abnegation member that is preparing herself for the Choosing Ceremony. First she has to take a test that shows here strength and her weaknesses. The test shows that she is very different from the other citizens. The test maker Tori can't decide which group she belongs in because the results show that Beatrice is a Divergent. Throughout the book Beatrice wants to find the meaning of being a Divergent and the dangers that come along with having divergence. Her next option is just to become a Dauntless a group of fierce warriors that only care about discipline.

             The Major Conflict in the Beginning

   In the beginning and middle of the book there is any major conflict except that Beatrice has to survive the ruthless training. There is three stages in which she has to fight for her life and also survive the beating of her fellow mates. Throughout her journey she makes friends but also foes that hate her to the death. Her minor foe is a Dauntless named Peter a person that only cares about becoming first in the class and getting revenge on those who succeed better than him. In one test Beatrice successfully has a better score than Peter which begins their rivalry a one that can lead to death. During one dark night Peter and his loyal companions cover Beatrice in a sheet to throw her over the chasm. Luckily her instructor Four saves her just to realize that the real criminal behind this plan was her friend Al. This conflict later gets resolved after Peter finally opens his eyes that he can't beat Beatrice. The conflict at the end of the book is more devastating. I would mostly likely be in Beatrice's side because of the evidence shown in this paragraph.

                 The Conflict that Changes Beatrice

     The book does get kind of violent towards the end and conflict arouses between the factions of Chicago. The weeks past by that newspaper show that the Erudite faction that blames Abnegation for all the problems in the city. The Erudite leader Jennie starts to use a machine that brain washes the soldiers of Dauntless to kill every single Abnegation leader and their families. The only person that doesn't get brainwashed is Beatrice because she is Divergent. Since Four is also her kind, they both go to stop Jennie. They find that their city is pretty much destroyed but Four will not stop until he destroys that simulation. Jennie is able to brainwash Four but Beatrice is saved by her mother. When I think of this situation I would mostly likely be in the Abnegation because the Erudite don't have any right to destroy political leader just because of their opinions.

This poster shows the symbol of the Abnegation faction which symbolizes peace and selfless. In my opinion I think that this faction is the most peaceful of them all but it's also the more boring faction. For example members of this faction are only supposed to do certain things or eat certain things. Since Beatrice was in this faction he never saw a hamburger because she was a Abnegation.

      This week I will comment on Julia, Jenna, and Jesus's Blogs. 



  1. Great blog this week! I noticed that this is your only blog on "Divergent", it must be really good. I think that "Divergent" is pretty much like the "Hunger Games". Do you plan on reading the rest of the series?

  2. Great blog! I really like how you first introduced the book before you started describing the conflicts in the story. I also liked how you talked about the conflict that changed Beatrice. Overall good job!

  3. Abdiel,
    Excellent Blog this week, I really enjoyed it! Your blogs this year have really opened my eyes to new books, and new topics to blog about, and your lengths are always perfect! You really go into depth through your writing. I particularly like your blog this week because you really explained the story well, and had a great idea about what the main conflicts were! I also like how you separated your blog into sections, and explained your pictures! So, overall, like always, great blog this week, and I look forward to reading more of your blogs next year!
