Friday, June 6, 2014

The Gift Summer Blog

Pages: 333 out of 333
Prompt: Prove the theme of what you are reading

                 Introduction to The Gift

    I started the series by James Patterson back in January when I started reading the first book Witch and Wizard. I have to say it was pretty amazing but a little too magical for me because I prefer less fantasy theme books. The Gift starts off with the execution of Wisty the teenage which who is the most powerful witch in the Overworld. She is the leader of a rebel alliance called the Resistance a group of teenagers and young children who fight for the freedom of their world. It wasn't always like this but after the evil dictator decided to put children in labor camps, death camps, or experimenting with them by turning them into wild beasts. The dictator's name is The One who is The One a man who has the ultimate power of the wind, water, and all of humanity. He vaporizes young Wisty only to discover that he actually didn't kill her, in fact he made strong. Wisty turns into a human torch which eventually burns the entire stage. Before the enemy kills her she is rescued by her brother Whit.

                 Major Theme of the Book

   When I read the first part of this book I just couldn't theme, I felt like James was doing too much explaining instead of developing the theme. In the middle of the book I felt like the theme was bravery or creativity. If I had to choose I would mostly likely choose bravery mostly because who would imagine a 14- year old girl fighting off a man with the power of the universe. Wisty and her brother Whit have enough courage to fight the evil forces of this world and lead kids to victory. The bravest thing that Wisty does in this book is when she avoids the temptation of giving her special gift of power to The One who is The One. There is a lot of evidence to prove that the theme of this book is bravery starting with Wisty surviving the vaporization of the One to ending with saving her brother from the tsunami of The One.  I'm actually going to start with the middle of the book by explaining the leadership of Wisty and her fight to help her people. When I say people I actually mean kids.

                          My Evidence and Point

      In the beginning of the book there isn't too much evidence too prove my point but it seems the middle is the most suspenseful. The Resistance's headquarters is in a abandoned store called Garfunkel's a place that is in the border of Freeland and the New Order Territory. The New Order starts to bomb the headquarters but likely their leader Wisty leads them through an underground tunnel which can hide them for a short amount of time. This proves that bravery plays a large role in the book by showing the leadership of Wisty to help save hundreds of kids which can mean sacrificing her life to a bomb. Later in the book Wisty and her brother are trapped by the Kill Team lid by their frenemy Byron. He gives them three choices either the three of them die , Wisty gives her gift of power to the One, or Wisty escapes while her brother is killed. This kind of shows bravery because Wisty is willing to die for her brother. Instead Wisty and Whit transform themselves into fish.

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