Friday, September 26, 2014

Favorite Banned Book Vlog 9/22-9/26

2). Choose a favorite banned/challenged book and discuss what the book meant to you and how you would feel if someone prevented you from reading it




  1. This made me smile so much... idk why

  2. I thought your vlog was really sophisticated and a lot of people can learn from you. I've never read this book but it seems great and it seems as though it shows truth about the world and that's the reason why it's banned. I'm sorry your blog got cut off!

  3. Abdiel,

    I really loved your blog. Your opinion on the racism in the book was something really different and made me think, like yeah racism still exists and we can't just push away something that scares us. Wow, I didn't know this book was banned in Heritage, it's pretty weird to think about. I think you should post like a second part to your video, the part that got cut off because it is very interesting.

  4. You might want to post another blog for the cut-off part. But I did read the beginning of, "The True Diary of a Part Time Indian". I could see there was racism. But that's a stupid thing for it to be banned.

  5. Great job on your vlog. I learned from the blog that people need to be more opened minded towards books. Great job over all lots of people can learn from this.

  6. I commented on

  7. Man, it really sucks how you video got cut off, but it was great from what was left. I'm surprised that this book was banned in Heritage. I never knew any book was banned here. I thought you did a good job explaining why the book was banned in the first place. Overall, amazing job!

  8. Great job, Abdiel! I don't believe that this book is banned at our school. Were you thinking it was challenged?
