Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Allegiant Week of 11/3-11/7

Pages: 527 out of 527 (finished)
Prompt: What questions would you like answered about your reading? Would you like
the book/article better if you knew those answers now? Why? 

                                            *Spoiler Alert*

              Question #1: Why is that every character wants to end their guilt with something deadly? 

     I came across this question when the action started to be revealed through the author's writing. I can name at least three characters that have their bodies filled with guilt and remorse. The three "guilty" characters are Tobias, Caleb, and of course the anti-hero Peter. Since they're adults they should handle their emotions with maturity. I find it a bit odd how they all wanted to end their lives just to escape the horrible things they have done or witnessed. For example Peter, he has done all sorts of evil/good to Tris and her friends. He has the urge of drinking the memory serum which will completely erase his memory and his evil personality. In his mind, he feels that it is impossible for him to change from bad to good, which I find a bit outrageous. I as the reader feel that there is some sort of good in every human being, but sometimes you find it a bit challenging to overcome this adversity. That is the cycle of life you have to become a problem-solver and overcome daily adversities. I feel that I wouldn't like the story if this question was answered.

             Question #2: Can people be repaired after an event? Did Tris see a vision of heaven?

    This question kept twirling around my head after I read the ending of Allegiant based on Tobias experience with Tris. I think we can all relate to this topic do to the reason that we have been broken down before and we have the uneasy feeling of getting back on our feet. I've always wanted to ask the author why cause so much pain to your main characters? During the conclusion of the book I wasn't sure if Tobias would recover after what happened to the rebel leader Tris. The other question I had was if Christina could be mended after the tragic incident that involved Uriah. When the book started reaching the point of falling action, I was surprised that they would mention heaven in the action part of Allegiant. You see Tris decided to do the suicide mission instead of letting her brother Caleb proceed with the original plan. During the mission Tris was able to survive the death serum, but she couldn't survive the wrath of David the Bureau leader. She was shot about 5 times in the back by David but when she fell to the ground, she saw her mother standing behind David. The only thing that her mother said was to go with her into the afterlife. I was a bit discombobulated whether her mother was leading her into heaven.

                      Would I truly like this book if these question were answered?

     I'm a bit in the middle when it comes to this question, but I still feel that I wouldn't like this book if the questions above were answered. The reason is that the ending of the book kind of lets the reader make up a story of what happened to these characters after everything was in peace. The questions I listed above sort of teach a lesson on life and the decisions that a person makes everyday in his/her life. I feel that the reader wouldn't have the time to think about what they just recently read, if the author were to have answered the questions. For example I myself invented the part about heaven because the author was a bit implicit when it came to this topic. The author gave me the chance to come up with a story or image of what happened to Tris in the afterlife. The questions I came up with are ones that I want to answer with my personal experiences with people in the real world. Although I would still like the author to give her thoughts on the subject, but not to include her response in this book. This book was great and I feel that the ending will surprise future readers. 

The picture above is showing a vision of heaven in which I feel that Tris had this sort of experience. I mentioned before that she encounters her mother after she was fatally shot down by David. I also feel that if the author were to have answered my question, the story just wouldn't be the same. I enjoyed how she was implicit because the reader was able to come up with an image/or final ending for the character Tris.

                 The picture below is showing the future reactions of people who want to read this book.

This week I will comment on Leanna, Carlos, and Gianna's Blogs. 



  1. You write as if you're having a conversation with the reader, which is really enjoyable :D I like that you don't mind writing a lot, because the reader gets to see more of your style and writing ability.

  2. You pose some thought provoking questions, Abdiel. How often do you think guilt runs people's lives?
