Monday, March 23, 2015

AoW Impressions for 3/23

    The major news topic of this week was the Holocaust and how it still continues to impact people around the world. I wasn't able to see everyone's articles, but I did look at approximately 15 articles out of the 25. I noticed that most of them have to do with Holocaust survivors and most of them were from the Auschwitz concentration camp. The second most popular topic was medical experiments performed by the Nazis on Jewish prisoners. When the gallery walk ended I felt that gained more knowledge about the Holocaust and how much these people had to leave behind during World War II. I found Autumn's article really interesting because I knew never that the descendants of Holocaust survivors developed altered stress hormones. This topic hasn't been discussed recently in history classes and it was a surprise that even the descendents of Jewish people are still suffering from numerous diseases. The other major fact I found surprising was that these relatives also have anxiety which leaves us thinking whether the survivors also have this characteristic currently in the world. The other article topics included women in concentration camps, Curious George, museums, etc.

   I also forgot to mention that the other article topic was Holocaust Remembrance Day in which a lot of survivors are celebrating the seventieth anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation. When I saw Marisa's article which was about Germany performing experiments on women during their time in numerous concentration camps. The surprising fact about this article is that they still suffered even after the liberation. The camps were liberated by Soviet troops, but they did something inappropriate to the women afterwards. In Ahziry's article I found out that the writers of Curious George were German Jews who escaped to America in order to avoid being sent to concentration camps. The buildings seen in the book are inspired by actual structures in Paris, France. I noticed that almost every article had to do with the life of a survivor during the war and after World War II. I did find another surprising fact which was that prisoners were only given a piece of bread per day. I found this out from Diego's article which talked about a Jewish boy who was sent to a labor camp. I think that overall I gained more knowledge about the Holocaust.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning my article! Great Blog! :)
