Monday, April 21, 2014

Peeled 4/20-4/24

Pages: 247 out of 247 (finished)
Prompt Test Readiness: Compare whether you like to live to the setting described in what you are reading

                         Introduction to Peeled 

         This book has to do with the life of a young teenage reporter Hildy Biddle. Hildy is a field reporter for her high school newspaper the Core. Her little town of Banesville is getting darker and darker by the minute surrounding the mysteries of the old Ludlow house. This small town's economy depends of apple growers because without apples the town would turn into dust. The murders are increasing in this small town and all of those victims are connected to the Ludlow houses. The Core's competing newspaper company the Bee is trying to throw the Core out of business. Every time a person dies in the Ludlow house menacing signs are being put up in that creepy old house. Hildy has to worry about the Core running out of business, a corrupt mayor, family homes being destroyed, and the mysterious Ludlow ghost.

                 I would Definitely like to live in Banesville.

   I would really like to live in that small town mostly because my favorite fruit is the apple and it reminds me of my native country. The people in this fictional town make a living by growing apples, making applesauce to sell, and owning an apple orchard. When Hildy describes apples in the books she says "the apples are the core of our existence". The sad about this town is that it deals with a lot of corrupt leaders like the mayor. The mayor plans to destroy family homes and ranches in order to make a haunted amusement park in order to bring in more tourists. I deny this because in my opinion having a ranch that is growing life is better than some lame amusement park. The book mentions that every single family in this town has a ranch of apples which helps them sell in the farmer's market. This is the main reason why I would like to live in this small town because it would great to sell in a fresh farmer's market.

               Banesville Reminds of Mexico

  The small town described in the book truly reminds me of the city I go to in Mexico. In Banesville everybody knows each other because it's so small. In Durango Mexico the same thing happens because people are actually friendly with their neighbors. The other reason is that Banesville has a farmer's market with fresh foods but the only difference is that the market in the story only sells apples. Their is something similar in Mexico but mostly in the markers over there they sell peppers, spices, and fruits like guava. Since I visit Mexico almost every year if I would live in this fictional town I would probably enjoy spending the rest of my life in Banesville. If I were to live Banesville it would remind me a little bit about the wonders of Mexico instead of living in a manufacturing city. The only thing that bugs me about actually living in this city is constant behavior of corrupt leaders trying to pollute the land and ruin our way of life.

It seems that apples symbolize a lot to the residents of Banesville mostly because it's their way of life. I mentioned before that Hildy says "the apple is the core of our existence". In the book many farmers make a living by creating applesauce, apple pie, and apple cider to sell in the fresh market. The competing fruit against the apple in the book is the peach which attracts customers with its peach cobbler.

                    This week I will comment on Citalli, Nadrian, and Julia's  Blogs. 


  1. It seems as if you can learn a lot from this book. I loved how your thoughts on what you have learned is very clear and easy to follow. Great blog post this week, Abdiel!

  2. I like your blog this week Abdiel. I like how you used a direct quote from the book to show how important the apple is to their town. I also like how you compared Banesville to Mexico. I also go to Mexico every year.

  3. Abdiel,
    Great job with your blog this week, I really enjoyed it. I find that your blogs are some of my favorites to read! They are so detailed, but not redundant, and you always use new and interesting prompts! I love how you separated your blog into three sections. The introduction was great to give us some background on the story, and it really helped make what you were saying in your other paragraphs more understandable (because we wouldn't know what you were talking about if we hadn't already read the book!) I also love how you compared and said you would love to live in Banesville because it reminds you of your home in Mexico! Were your born in Mexico? Overall great job with your blog this week, and I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!
    P.S. My blogs are not 10 times better than yours!
