Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crank 4/28-5/2

Pages: 210 out of 540
Prompt Miscellaneous: Describe your least favorite character and explain why. Describe your favorite character and explain why.

                     Introduction to Crank 

      I heard about this book last year from Mrs. McMahon. I wanted to read it but she mentioned that it was better to read in 7th or 8th Grade. The book starts off with the life of a middle schooler named Kristina. This girl is a straight A- student, she never gets in trouble, but feels subsided after her she hasn't seen her father for over eight years. Kristina's mother decides to let her stay with her father for a month or so in order to have experience with a male role model. I think that they mention that Kristina lives in California while her father lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This place is described as the kingdom of her father but at least Kristina will get used to it. She meets a boy named Adam a.k.a Buddy who teaches her to start using Crank. The crank is some sort of drug which is described as the monster. Kristina feels like heaven on earth when she tries it but she doesn't realize that the drug is separating her from the real world. In her mind the alternative or evil version of Kristina called Bree is taunting her.

                  The Least Favorite Character

     The book doesn't go to much in depth with the supporting characters, but after reading a few pages I feel like the character I don't like very much is Kristina's father. In past books and movies I've heard about dads abandoning their children which makes the personality of this character not so new to me. I dislike the character because instead of taking care of his daughter he goes off and gambles with the local men. In my opinion I feel that if Kristina's father would have taken care of her during her visit, she wouldn't have started doing crank. I feel like he doesn't deserve to be a parent, I can just imagine his behavior before he divorced his wife. I think that the main reason that Kristina started doing crank was because she was alone or for a simple reason her boyfriend told her to do it. If she was alone I blame it all on the dad. I mean sure her mother works a lot but at least she doesn't spend her hours gambling with local strangers.

                My Favorite Character

   The first 200 pages didn't introduce too many characters except for Kristina, her mom, her dad, her brother, her sister, Scott, and Adam. I think that my favorite character is Scott the stepfather of Kristina, a more responsible parent. When we think of stepfathers we must think of evil people who only care about money ruining families. Scott compared to the other stepfathers introduced in movies or books her seems like a nice person. He kills himself everyday in order to make sure that their is food on the table unlike Kristina's father who goes to Mickey D's everyday. The book doesn't include too many specific details about Scott but they do mention that he gets along with everybody in the family. I think that Scott makes a great dad mostly because he doesn't tease or bully Kristina's sister about her emotional issues.

I included a picture of a monster that might look like the being inside of Kristina. In the book Kristina describes crank a.k.a the drug as a monster. This monster not only damages her physically but also mentally. It seems that the monster took form an alternative Kristina named Bree, the evil twin of the honorable Kristina. Bree and Kristina remind me of the video game characters Mario and Wario.

        This week I will comment on Leanna, Steven, and Gabe's Blogs. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a well written blog, I like all the details you provide and the summary at the beginning.
