Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TKAM - Photo Analysis


Title: Houses in the Black Section of Eutlaw, Alabama
Creator: Jack Delano
Published/Created: May 1941

    In my observation I noticed that the houses were lined up in a row instead of the traditional column method. The first house that it seen in the photo seems to be rickety and shaky which essentially means that it is in a terrible condition. The foundation of the building on the bottom seems to be strong in which it is able to support the family home. A mysterious person is walking in a gloomy road near the row of buildings, the road is made of dust instead of cement. In the picture we can tell that the person's genre is male but his ethnicity is uncertain. The boy is obviously a toddler since he has a height of about 4 feet or 3. The houses are alongside a row of electricity lines and the boy could be white but I'm still not sure. 

   I feel like the picture was made in order to show our generation the way of life during the Great Depression or the early 1930's. The author or photographer of the picture is trying to express the uniqueness of the south side of the United States. We can easily tell that the area is rural but that it is possibly faraway from a town square or luxurious buildings. I can learn from this image that people lived a devastating life since they were hit with the Great Depression. The detail that came to my attention was that people here were probably separated. For example blacks on one side of the town and whites in another. We already know that the picture was released in the early 1940's but could it have been taken during the depression era. The two major things that are missing from this image is the form of transportation and a towns square.

  I have about 5 questions that I could possibly ask the photographer.

Who is the person in the photo? 

Why are the houses lined up like a prison center?

Did the houses actually house families or prisoners?

 What kind of family, white or black?

Where are the vehicles for these people? How did they move throughout the city?

    When I look at this image I think that it could possibly be Maycomb County but there are still huge differences between the two. The similarity is that these towns both have dusty roads in which they are not pounded with cement. In the other images that were shown in the website, most of them have cement roads or modern gadgets. In the book they mention that colored people are sort of in the same region of the town but this image doesn't indicate that statement. The picture is titled Houses in the Black Section of Eutlaw in which I can infer that people here are separated in different parts. Although in TKAM they don't bring up this topic too often but since Calpurnia lives with the Finches, this shows that blacks can live with whites. The town of Maycomb is of course a rural area because farms are mentioned numerous times in the book. The topic of farms comes up when the reader is introduced to the Cunninghams.  The picture is set in a place where farming is the principal job of many people. The only other difference that I saw was that the city looks a bit dry instead of rainy. The county of Maycomb is described to be very rainy and that there a bunch of red slops on the ground. Overall the picture could possibly be Maycomb but with another different sort of climate. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job overall! One minor detail however, is the fact that Calpurnia does not live with the Finches!
