Monday, June 2, 2014

Glass 6/2-6/6 Summer Blog 1st

Pages: 340 out of 681
Prompt: Explain how you and the main character are different by your attitude towards your family

                 Introduction to Glass
  One month ago I wrote a blog about the first book in the series called Crank and when I finished that book I felt like I had to find out more about the life of Kristina. The first book leaves off with Kristina struggling her early years of motherhood as she has just given birth to her son Hunter. Luckily Kristina decided to give up for a short amount of time the monster (drugs) which made her life a whole lot simpler. When I read this part of the book I felt like Kristina is taking advantage of her parents especially her mom. The early parts of the book is just explaining Kristina difficulty getting used to having a baby, going to college, and dealing with her obsession with the monster. The birth of this child has given Kristina the chance to give up her addiction but shortly she searches for her friend Robyn. The dangerous thing about this particular friend is that she produces the drug and the main reason why Kristina has a huge addiction. She learns that Robyn is living in an apartment with her roommate Trey the future husband of Kristina.

           Major Difference between Our Response Towards are Families.

    When I look back at the personalities of Kristina I feel that we have a bunch of major difference when it comes to family. The first difference is that Bree/Kristina take advantage of their parents by leaving her baby with them while she drugs herself to death. When Kristina's mom lends her money for baby accessories she spends it on drugs or simply she never pays her back. One example that can support this claim is that once Marie Haskins (mom) gave her daughter $500 and Marie also gave Kristina an extra $200 as a baptism gift for Hunter. When this episode ended Kristina still demanded more money she even yelled out that her mother was cheap and lazy. If my parents would give me money I wouldn't accept it because I'm thankful that I have a roof under my head instead of accepting the green money. Another example is that if it were my birthday and my parents took me out to dinner. When we get home they still give a $50 dollar bill I wouldn't accept it because the dinner was enough to satisfy my ways.

         Another Difference Between the Two of US

   The next difference I will mention might not affect me right now but it would certainly affect me in the future. In the book Kristina decides to go out on dates instead of staying at home taking care of her baby which is kind of irresponsible. When her mom calls her to check on the date Kristina doesn't even ask about her baby Hunter she only cares about her mom having cash. If I were dad in which in this case there is no mom because she abandoned the child. I wouldn't go out on dates I would rather stay at home taking care of an infant, I would leave the dates for when I was in my teen years. Another example is that Kristina spends more of her time negotiating drugs and going out with drug dealers instead of trying to get her master's degree. In the beginning of the book Kristina mentions that she has been studying hard for her master's degree. I would personally study, work, and do whatever is possible to receive my master's degree instead of throwing away my life by doing drugs. The thing that got stuck in my head while I was reading this book was to imagine myself in the head of this drug addicted teenager.

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