Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Five People You Meet in Heaven Summer Blog 2nd

Pages: 100 out 196
Prompt: Explain how disappointments can have a good meaning

                  Introduction to the Five People You Meet in Heaven 

     When I first read the title of this book I thought that it was going to be very religious by explaining major people from the bible. I was originally only going to read like 20 pages but the book was so interesting that I couldn't let it go. The book starts off with "the ending" instead of proper introductory chapter but I later realized that it was the end of a person's life which starts a beginning in heaven. The first few chapters tell the story of Eddie an 83 year old World War II veteran who got wounded in the war and was left being the maintenance manager of Ruby Pier. One normal day in the amusement park, the carts of one of the rides starts to fall. A little girl watching this horrific event is about to die when one of the carts is about to fall on top of her. Eddie pushes the girl away and the cart lands one him killing him instantly. He finds himself in a strange place where he feels no pain, worries, or sadness. A Blue Man appears to Eddie in which he claims that he played an important role in the life of Eddie. The Blue Man tells Eddie that he will be confronted by five people who changed his earthly life when he was alive.

                         A Disappointment that Changed Eddie

    I picked this prompt because it can easily relate to the main character Eddie. During his life he suffered a major disappointment that changed his life and his point of view of life. While Eddie was in the war he was assigned to a squadron of four other people including a fierce but brave Captain.  It was a dark day light less in which the squadron had to fight off Japanese soldiers in military bases within small Japanese islands. They are suddenly captured by the enemy in which they are taken hostage for nearly a year. One of Japanese soldiers kills someone from the hostage but that just led to the escape of the others. Eddie stays behind because he hears a child's voice inside of one of the burning houses. He decides to go in but he suddenly shot in the leg and taken back to base. Eddie was very disappointed that he didn't save the child, but heaven he learns that if he had saved the child, the Ruby Pier would be destroyed without the maintenance of Eddie.

                  How the Captain Disappointed Eddie

    Well, if he had saved the child, he wouldn't be able to dedicate his life to the children of the amusement park. He explained in the book that he loves children and he was forced to work in the amusement park after his leg was shot. He later learns in heaven that the Captain was the one who shot Eddie's leg in order to prevent him from dying. Eddie was extremely angry with the Captain because he couldn't do anything the rest of his life due to his wounded leg. As we can see Eddie was disappointed that he got a wounded leg but if the Captain hadn't shot him he would have been dead 60 years ago. There is a good meaning to this disappointment because imagine if Eddie died in that fire he would have never gotten home to his beloved Marguerite. If Eddie died in the fire he couldn't have gotten married, witness his family again,or save the child from the amusement park when he was 83 years old. In my opinion I think that disappointment do have a good meaning especially in this book.

      Watch the Five People You Meet in Heaven Trailer

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